Presume Competence
A guide to successful, evidence-based principles
for supporting and engaging individuals with autism
This comprehensive, research-based guide from the Hussman Institute for Autism provides fundamental information to help parents, teachers, and others who support individuals with autism.
The guide provides useful strategies for communication, instruction, positive behavior supports, inclusion, relationship-building, and more, emphasizing the competence, dignity, strengths, and equality of those with autism.
Presume Competence also includes practical tips for toilet training, developing a stable bedtime routine, and engaging children and adults with autism in play and learning opportunities.
The guide is authored by Dr. John P. Hussman, and Institute staff refer to it as “1.0”; it captures the central practices and the moral foundation from which the Institute operates.
Click the image below to download the PDF
respect to the person has special needs
Thanks for the great thought.
I have learn a lot of things.
Thank you so very MUCH for your contributions to help us better understand and deal with autism. Our loved Ones deserve the utmost love and respect and opportunities to participate in all aspects of life. The more we know, the better we can support them.